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How to Configure the SOLIDWORKS Template Paths to Work with VTube

Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png Vtube-step logo 1.96.png Solidworks logo.jpg

VTube-LASER and VTube-STEP can automatically create SOLIDWORKS parts and drawings if SOLIDWORKS is installed on the same computer as VTube.

The SOLIDWORKS TEMPLATE paths must be set up for this connection to work. The reason is that VTube will attempt to automatically create a new part file before drawing the tube. Please follow these steps to set up SOLIDWORKS when the following errors happen in SOLIDWORKS.

VTube Build Errors Without the SolidWorks Paths Setup

Without a template path setup, you will see error screens like these in this order when you attempt to build a part in SolidWorks:

Setup SolidWorks with Default Templates

The solution is to set up the Default TEMPLATE path in Tools / Options following these steps.

Step 1: Move the mouse over the menu arrow to the right of the SolidWorks logo in the upper right corner.

Step 2: Move the mouse to Tools and down to Options - Click on Options

SolidWorks ToolsOptions Menu.png

Step 3: Click on Default Templates in the left column

SolidWorks ToolsOptions DefaultTemplatePaths Empty.png

Step 4: Choose the template files

Click on the ellipses buttons to setup the default path in these boxes. SolidWorks will suggest a file that already exists on the disk. Click on that file.

Fill in all three boxes with filenames.

SolidWorks ToolsOptions DefaultTemplatePaths.png

Click on OK. SolidWorks is ready to receive VTube commands.

If SolidWorks Still Cannot Load the Part Template

In rare cases, it is possible that SOLIDWORKS cannot used the part template file installed with SOLIDWORKS - probably because of Window's permissions issues. In that case you can create your own by following these steps.

Step 1: Create a new PART TEMPLATE File

Create a new PART, then Save As a PRTDOT file.

Save it to a location that is easy for you to remember - like "My Documents\Solidworks"

SolidWorks SaveNewPartTemplate.png

Step 2: Add a New Path to SOLIDWORKS in "File Locations"

Before you can use the new template file, you will need to teach SOLIDWORKS the new path in the File Location window in Options.

SolidWorks AddNewFileLocation DocumentTemplates.png

Step 3: Change to the "Default Templates" Window

Select Default Templates, then press the ellipses button for default parts template.

SolidWorks DefaultTemplates SelectEllipsesButton.png

Step 4: Point to the New Template File

Select the new tab menu of the new path in the Default Templates window, and select the new part template.

SolidWorks SelectNewDefaultTemplate.png

Step 5: Check The New Path and Template File

Check to be sure the correct template file is selected. Press OK.

SolidWorks NewPartTemplatePathAndFile.png