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What are the Differences Between VTube License Types?

Compare The Three Levels of Licenses

There are three levels of licenses: VTube-STEP, VTube-LASER PROGRAMMER, and VTube-LASER.

Vtube-step logo 1.96.pngVTube-STEP: VTube-STEP imports parts and creates master nominal bender data. VTube-STEP is priced at about 25% of VTube-LASER. VTube-STEP is file-compatible with VTube-LASER, which means it can be used to create VTube project files for VTube-LASER systems. Unlike VTube-LASER Programmer, VTube-STEP can only import and save the project MASTER data. It cannot control measure setup parameters.

See the price for VTube-STEP at our store.
Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png
VTube-LASER PROGRAMMER: This license is identical to VTube-LASER, except it cannot connect to a measuring center. It is ideal for a complete VTube-LASER set up by technicians. VTube-LASER PROGRAMMER is priced at 50% of VTube-LASER.

See the price for VTube-LASER Programmer at our store.
Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png
VTube-LASER: VTube-LASER is built on VTube-STEP (which means every VTube-LASER also has VTube-STEP features). Plus, VTube-LASER can measure and qualify parts using a scan arm measuring center. VTube-LASER alone can correct bender data. VTube-LASER is the top-tier license we offer that includes every feature available in the VTube-LASER line of software.

See the price for VTube-LASER at our store.

Frequently Asked Question: What are the differences between VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER PROGRAMMER?

VTube-LASER PROGRAMMER does everything VTube-LASER does except connect to measuring centers. It is intended to give complete offline control over VTube-LASER project setups.

Here is a matrix that lists the differences between the license types:

Import Solid ModelsYesYesYesThis allows for nominal or master model import, so VTube knows what a perfect tube shape is for any part.
Export Bender DataYes*YesYesAll versions of VTube can output most CNC bender data formats.  (*The exception is that VTube-STEP cannot output legacy Eaton Leonard data.)
Set Default Tangent Point ToleranceYesYesYesThe tangent point default tolerance is used to qualify parts shapes in VTube-LASER.
Build and Master Data Reports
YesYesYesThese are reports that show nominal (perfect) data.
Send Layouts to SOLIDWORKSYesYesYesVTube automates the export of tube layouts to SOLIDWORKS.
Measuring Setup
YesYesThe measuring center setup is a section that controls all parameters that apply to measuring tubes.  If your technicians want complete control over every part of the VTube-LASER measuring setup, VTLP is the way to go.
View Historical Data in Tube Data Storage
YesYesTube Data Storage allows viewing the historical data for all measurements.

Align two tubes to each other for qualification.
Bender Setup Screen Access
YesYesThis screen is used to correct benders.
RECALL Data from Benders
Build and print Inspection Reports

Connect to a Measuring Center and Import Point Clouds

YesOnly VTube-LASER can measure parts.