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How to Import Report Templates Into VTube

If we send you a custom template by email, save the email to any location that is easy for you to remember. For example you can save the template file to the Download folder, then follow the steps below. When importing, VTube will copy the template from the original folder into the VTube configuration folder.

Steps to IMPORT Report Templates files


STEP 1 - Switch to the Report Menu

Switch to the Reports menu, and click the Import button under the Template Tab menu.

STEP 2 - Import the HTML Template

Browse to the location of the template file to be imported, choose the file, and press the Open button. Note that the file type should be html - a web page format.
During this import process, there is no need to copy the file to the configuration folder manually. VTube will automatically copy any file you import with the Open button to the report templates folder.

STEP 3 - It will be added to the BOTTOM of the List

The new imported report template will be added to the bottom of the list if it was not in the list before.
 Scroll down to find it.

STEP 4 - Now you can move the Report template up in the List

Use the List MOVE UP or MOVE DOWN buttons to move the report template up the list if you want to use it often.
 Here is a helpful tip for quick moves:

  1. Click on the report so that it turns light blue in the row.
  2. Click on the MOVE UP button ONE time.
  3. Then start tapping or holding the SPACE BAR or the ENTER key to move the report quickly up the list.

 This works for both Move UP or Down.


Remember that Templates Lists for VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER Are Different

Remember that VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER keep separate lists of templates intentionally. They can both share templates, but if you want a report in both VTube modes, then you will need to import the same template into both the STEP and LASER Report menus.
 If you do this, then VTube will ask if you want to overwrite the template file during the second import. This is ok to do - because the template file is identical for both modes.
 If this is the case, then press "Continue" during the second import when the warning message appears.


Steps to CREATE Report Templates files

Edit and Save a New Template File

The easiest way to start a new template is to use one of the existing templates to create a new template.
Using a File Explorer, go to the "C:\Users\Public\Documents\VTube\config\report" folder and copy one of the template files to another folder.
 VTube will start the import from the
"\My documents\VTube"
 folder - so it works well to copy the file there.
RENAME the template filename. Be sure to give it a filename that is not already in the template list. Always give the new file a filename extension of ".html".
 Edit that template in an editor like Notepad+ so that it contains the items you want in a report.
 Save the edits to the new html file.