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Copy A Default VTube Project Configuration To Another VTube Computer

Method 1 - Manual

For IT staff or users who are very comfortable with copying and pasting entire folders, we recommend using the manual method described here for IT managers who prefer manual backup and copy.  It involves less steps than the VTube export and import configuration method 2.

Method 2 - Export/Import Configuration from Inside VTube

The method below uses a VTube internal backup and recovery method inside System Options.

It is helpful for customers with multiple installations of VTube on different computers who want to standardize the default configuration for every VTube in the organization.

Standardizing the default configuration saves a lot of time when you use a separate VTube to create VTube project files (.VTP) that will be used in VTube-LASER setups on other computers later. This standardization allows the target computer users to not have to adjust the configuration when they load the file created in the source computer.

 Before continuing - check the versions of VTube.
The source and target computers must have the same VTube version and build before copying a configuration to the target computer.  If the versions and builds are not the same, then the VTube target computer may be unable to use the new configuration files.  Click the top toolbar Information button to check the current version for both VTubes before you copy a configuration.

FIRST: Set up the defaults in the source VTube computer.

If you use a mix of VTube-LASER and VTube-STEP licenses, perform this setup on VTube-LASER since it has more values than VTube-STEP.  For a mix of VTube-LASER and VTube-LASER Programmer licenses, you can set this up on either system.  They both can set and control the same values.

The following steps assume that the SOURCE computer's default setup is set exactly how you want. If the default setup needs to be changed, then do this first. See how to Change the VTube Default Setup here.

SECOND: Export the setup for import into the target VTube computers.

If the target computer uses VTube-STEP, then VTube-STEP will take in and store all the invisible VTube-LASER values. Then when VTube-STEP saves a project file, it will already have the correct VTube-LASER defaults included in the file to be shared with the VTube-LASER user.

Third: Follow These Steps at the SOURCE VTube Computer

STEP 1 - Insert a Flash Drive

If you'd like to use a flash drive to transfer the configuration from the SOURCE computer, then you can insert it into the appropriate port on the SOURCE computer now.

STEP 2 - System Options

Press the System Options button on the SOURCE computer. (The source computer contains the configuration you want to use on other VTube computers.)

STEP 3 - Press "Export the VTube Configuration"

Go to the Project Setup Tab and press the Backup VTube Configuration to Zip Backup File button.

STEP 4 - Choose a Save Location

Choose the location for the exported configuration file and press Save.

VTube will build a filename that has the current date and time embedded in the name so that you know exactly which file to use in configuration imports.

STEP 5 - VTube Compresses and Stores to a Single File

VTube will export the configuration files to one compressed file.

STEP 6 - VTube shows a dialog

VTube will show a dialog when it is finished.

STEP 7 - Exit System Options

Exit the System Options menu.

STEP 8 - Remove the Flash Drive

If you used a flash drive, remove it from the SOURCE computer now.


Fourth: Follow These Steps at the TARGET VTube Computer

STEP 1 - Insert the Flash Drive

If you used a flash drive to store the configuration from the SOURCE computer, insert it into the appropriate port on the TARGET computer now.

STEP 2 - Save the Project and Press Clear Project

Save your current project (if any) on the TARGET VTube computer. Clear the project by pressing the Clear Project button.

STEP 3 - Enter System Options

Press the System Options button on the TARGET computer.

STEP 4 - Press the Import VTube Configuration button

Press the Project Setup tab, then press the RESTORE and Reset VTube Configuration from a VTube Zip Backup File button.

STEP 5 - Browse to the Exported Configuration Backup File

Find the exported configuration file, select it, and press Open.

STEP 6 - VTube will Warn You

VTube will warn you with a dialog that the default configurations will be reset in this TARGET computer based on the values from the SOURCE computer if you continue.
 Press Continue.

STEP 7 - VTube will show a completed operation

VTube will show a dialog when it is finished importing the configuration.

STEP 8 - VTube will Clear the Project in Memory and Close The System Options Automatically

After pressing OK, VTube will automatically clear the project to the new defaults (you may see values change on the screen) and exit the System Options menu.

STEP 9 - Remove the Flash Drive

If you use a flash drive, you can remove it from the TARGET computer.

 The process is complete!