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VTube Communications with a Transfluid Bender

Important tProject and tBend Software Update Notes

Demo Video

See the tBend corrections video to learn the overall communications principles:

Also see the video on Vimeo.

There are two software packages in Transfluid software that are used for setting up a bender.

  1. "tProject" is software used for setting up new parts for the first time.
  2. "tBend" is the software used for correcting the bender.

All Transfluid Programs Use a Regular Network Connection 

How to Setup VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER for Communications with Transfluid

You can perform this setup from VTube-STEP or VTube-LASER.

STEP 1: Enter the SYSTEM OPTIONS Menu in VTube

  1. Load VTube.
  2. Click on Systems Options in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  3. Enter the Measure 2 tab menu.
  4. Enter the Setup Benderlink Network menu.

STEP 2: Setup the Benderlink Network Grid for Transfluid Supravision Network Protocol

  1. Choose an unused row in the grid for a new Transfluid Bender setup.

  2. Assign a bender name that will help operators identify which bender this is. This text will be displayed at the top of the Bender Setup menu.

  3. Assign the Transflud SVNET protocol. (Do not use the other Transfluid protocol. Be sure that "SVNET" follows Transfluid in the protocol name.)

  4. Enter the shared drive or folder path in the NetPath field. This path should point to the Transfluid tProject folder that will receive command files from VTube. (The value shown on the screen is only an example.)

  5. Enter the IP address in the PING IP ADDRESS field if it is a fixed field. (This is not required. It allows VTube to ping the address to see if the network location is active before opening communications.)

  6. If the Transfluid rotations move CW for a positive rotation, then select YES in both the CW Rotation Positive at Export and the CW Rotation Positive at Export cells. (Read about Bender Rotation Directions)

  7. This has no application to Transfluid since Transfluid cannot answer a RECALL.

  8. Press Close to save the settings. VTube will save these values to a global configuration file that will not change unless you change them in this grid.


How to Configure Transfluid for Communication

STEP 1: Allow the tProject/tBend Computer to Find the Same Network Path Programmed in VTube-LASER

  1. Ask your IT department to connect the Transfluid control to the network.
  2. Use a File Explorer in the Transfluid control to be sure that you can access the same network path that VTube-LASER will save data to.


How to Correct tBend  (Note: Corrections Are Sent Only to tBend - not tProject)

STEP 1: Measure the tube shape

This will allow VTube to compare the bent tube to the master tube.

STEP 2: Enter the Bender Setup Menu

This menu allows you to communicate with any bender in the VTube-LASER network.
Be sure the bender protocol says "Transfluid SVNET". If it does not, select the correct bender channel at the top.

STEP 3: Bring Data Into This Window

If there is now data in the window like shown in the previous image, then click on "Copy the Master Part Setup Values into these fields" button.
This will put the correct Part Number in the menu before we attempt to RECALL data.


STEP 4: Click on Correct the Bender

Find and click the "Correct the Bender" button in the lower right corner of the accordion menu.

STEP 5: Send the Correction Data

Press the Auto SEND Bender CORRECTIONS button. This will save a file to the preconfigured location.

The file will have an S2B filename extension, and will include the bender number like this:


(This example is for bender #5.)

STEP 6: Load the S2B File Into tBend

Click on the open folder button (see 1), then click on refresh (see 2).
The corrections have been applied to the bender.
Be careful to only apply any correction one time. 
Now bend the part!


Allowing VTube to set up tProject is no longer the standard way to receive new parts in tProject. tProject can import STEP files independently of VTube-LASER. However, if you still want to use VTube to setup tProject, follow these steps in Transfluid tProject to set up communications for VTube-LASER and VTube-STEP.


How to Setup for Transfluid tProject for Communications (For NEW Parts)


STEP 1: Enter Options Window

Click on the blue button wrench/screwdriver button in the upper right corner of the user interface.

STEP 2: Enter the Import/Export Tab

Click on the Import/Export tab.

STEP 3: Set the Import Box Settings

Enter the set-up data in the Import box.

  • Pulldown box: Romer/HEXAGON (.$$$)
  • Radio Button: Import corrected LRA (clra)
  • Checkbox: Enable Supra Vision (SV) communications
  • Exchange Director: Program a shared network path (consult your IT department for this setting)
  • Bender Number: Each bender number should have a unique number in the Supravision protocol.
  • Timeout: 10 seconds is high enough. (tProject is very quick for communications. Lower timeouts may be ok too.)

 Note: This protocol allows for both automatic import and export. It is only necessary, however, to change the settings inside the "Import" section. You can ignore the rest of the settings on this page.

STEP 4: Check for a Green LED in the Main User Interface

Close the options menu with the OK button and check for the Supravision communications LED in the lower right corner of tProject. The LED should be green.


How to Prepare tProject to Receive New Data from VTube

 The Transfuild tProject program can receive data for a part that has never been sent to it before from VTube-STEP.

STEP 1: Clear the tProject Project

STEP 2: DO NOT Enter a Project Name

This allows VTube to control the new incoming name.

STEP 3: Click on OK



How to Send New Data to tProject from VTube-STEP

The Transfuild tProject program can receive data for a part that has never been sent to it before from VTube-STEP. This allows a user to import a solid model of any tube, and then send it to tProject.

STEP 1: Import the Model

Import the part using standard VTube-STEP procedures

STEP 2: Bender Output Menu

Click on the Bender Output button in the navigation pane.

STEP 3: Bender Number

Select the bender number for the Transfluid bender.

STEP 4: Send

Click Send to Bender. VTube will show "Send to Bender Complete" if it is able to save the output data for Transfluid.



STEP 5: tProject Will Update

 tProject will display the new part immediately.

STEP 6: Save the tProject Project

It is important to save the new tProject project file using the disk button on the left. tProject does not automatically save the incoming data to disk.