List of Report Template HTML Tokens
This is a list of available report template HTML tokens for VTube.
Technical Notes | Token Name | Description of Values Printed |
a_end_length_adjustment | This token reports the End "A" length adjustment. The adjustment dynamically adds material to the tube end without moving the endpoint. This token alters both the MASTER and MEASURED A length. | |
ab_length_master | This token reports the Crow flight distance from endpoint A to endpoint B of the MASTER (Nominal) data. | |
ab_length_measured_before_trim | This token reports the crow flight distance from endpoint A to endpoint B of the MEASURED part before applying the trim calculation. | |
ab-angledelta1 | The AB length (crow-flight from end A to End B) always forms a vector. This value reports the angle difference between the MASTER AB and the MEASURED AB vector in degrees. | |
ab-angledelta2 | The AB length (crow-flight from end A to End B) always forms a vector. This value reports the angle difference between the MASTER AB and the MEASURED-ALIGNED AB vector in degrees. | |
ab-anglemaster | This token reports the angle difference between the end A straight's vector and the end B straight's vector in a MASTER tube. | |
ab-anglemeasured | This token reports the angle difference between the end A straight's vector and the end B straight's vector in a MEASURED tube. | |
ab-anglemeasuredaligned | This token reports the angle difference between the end A straight's vector and the end B straight's vector in a MEASURED-ALIGNED tube. | |
ab-lendelta | Changed to ab-len-master-measuredaligned-delta for clarity in 4.3 build 1619 | |
ab-len-master-measuredaligned-delta | This value reports the difference between the AB Master LENGTH and the AB MEASURED-ALIGNED Length. | |
ab-lenmaster | This value reports the MASTER calculation for the length from End A to End B. | |
ab-lenmeasured | This value reports the MEASURED calculation for the length from End A to End B. | |
AB-LenOOT | This value reports the value that is Out Of Tolerance between the MASTER and MEASURED lengths from End A to End B. | |
AB-LenTolNeg | The AB length (crow-flight from end A to end B) tolerance in the negative direction | |
AB-LenTolPos | The AB length (crow-flight from end A to end B) tolerance in the positive direction | |
a-endangledifference | This value reports the end A angle difference between MASTER and MEASURED | |
a-endangledifferencetolerance | This value reports the tolerance for the end A angle difference between MASTER and MEASURED | |
a-endlengthdifference | This value reports the A end length difference between MASTER and MEASURED | |
a-endlengthdifferencetolerance | This value reports tolerance for the A end length difference between MASTER and MEASURED | |
a-endlengthdifferencetoleranceneg | This value reports tolerance for the A end length difference between MASTER and MEASURED in the negative direction | |
a-endlengthdifferencetolerancepos | This value reports tolerance for the A end length difference between MASTER and MEASURED in the positive direction | |
aendoffset | This token shows the A-End Offset for the MEASURED tube. If a user needed to extend the end of a tube for a scan, they could enter the value of the extension so VTube-LASER knew it was measuring something longer than the end of the tube, but would know the length and be able to push back the measurement to the actual end of the tube. | |
A-EndOffset | This token shows the T1 dev value for the first straight in a project. This value can also be found in the Inspection Data window under Tan/Mid | |
alignment-plp-linepoint1-coordinate | This token shows the coordinates of Line Point 1 in the PLP alignment | |
alignment-plp-linepoint1-setup | This token shows the setup for Line Point 1. Ex: Straight1-End1 (S1-End 1) | |
alignment-plp-linepoint2-coordinate | This token shows the coordinates of Line Point 2 in the PLP alignment | |
alignment-plp-linepoint2-setup | This token shows the setup for Line Point 2. | |
Alignment-PLP-PlanePoint1-Coordinate | This token shows the coordinates of Plane Point 1 in the PLP alignment | |
Alignment-PLP-PlanePoint1-Setup | This token shows the setup for Plane Point 1. | |
alignment-plp-planepoint2-coordinate | This token shows the coordinates of Plane Point 2 in the PLP alignment | |
alignment-plp-planepoint2-setup | This token shows the setup for Plane Point 2. | |
alignment-plp-planepoint3-coordinate | This token shows the coordinates of Plane Point 3 in the PLP alignment | |
alignment-plp-planepoint3-setup | This token shows the setup for Plane Point 3. | |
alignment-plp-translationpoint-coordinate | This token shows the coordinates of the Translation point in the PLP alignment | |
alignment-plp-translationpoint-setup | This token shows the setup for the Translation Point. | |
alignment-type | The token shows the type of alignment used to compare MEASURED to MASTER data.![]() | |
AmbientTemperature | Ambient Temperature of the environment in which the arm is located | |
armaccuracyspec | The specs of the arm to determine accuracy | |
armcalibrationdate | The last date the arm was calibrated. | |
armcertificationdate | The last date the arm was certified. | |
armserialnumber | The serial number of the arm | |
array_a | The value for the MASTER angle (L) | |
array_a_fullspringback | This token shows the angle (A) values of the MASTER tube with Springback taken into account. If there is no springback in the project, the values will be the same as the MASTER tube data. | |
array_a_unbent | This token reflects the Angle (A) in an Unbent tube. This value should be 0 since when a tube is unbent there is no rotation or angle | |
array_abender_plus_adjustments | This token shows the angle (A) values that are currently in the Bender Setup page plus the adjustments (The orange columns) These values will change with each recall. | |
array_abendersetup | This token shows the angle (A) values that are currently in the Bender Setup page in the blue columns. These values will change with each recall (if the blue columns change). | |
array_acor | This token shows the correction values for the angles (A) in a project. | |
array_aerr | This token reports the angle (A) error. This value will be the opposite of the correction values. Example: If VTube is reporting a 0.5-degree angle correction, the error will be -0.5. | |
array_aligned_tan_x1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the X axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_aligned_tan_x2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the X axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_aligned_tan_y1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the Y axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_aligned_tan_y2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the Y axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_aligned_tan_z1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the Z axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_aligned_tan_z2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the Z axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_ameas | This token shows all MEASURED angle values (A) | |
array_arclength | The Arc Length token allows a user to see the arc length for each angle in a bent tube. Arc length dimensions are determined by the two end points of the arc | |
array_bendprofile_oor_calcnote | ||
array_bendprofile_oor_distance | ||
array_bendprofile_oor_od | ||
array_bendprofile_oor_percentage | This token shows the Out Of Round percentage for a bend profile scan | |
array_bendprofile_oor_percentagetolerance | This token shows the tolerance being used to decide the out of round percentage | |
array_bendprofile_oor_separationangle | ||
array_bendprofile_oor_sliceangle | ||
array_bendprofile_oor_slicename | ||
array_bendprofile_oor_span1 | ||
array_bendprofile_oor_span2 | ||
array_bendprofile_oor_surfacepointcount_in_width_region | ||
array_dev_tmt_average | This token shows the average of all the deviations between tangent 1, midpoint and tangent 2 (tmt). This will show the average deviation value for each straight in a project. | |
Added in 4.3 Build 1645, August 19, 2024 | array_bend_straightness_nominal | This token will show the straightness value for the MASTER bend data. Combine this array value with the BENDNUMBER count in an array section. |
Added in 4.3 Build 1645, August 19, 2024 | array_bend_straightness_measured | This token will show the straightness value for the MEASURED bend data. Combine this array value with the BENDNUMBER count in an array section. |
array_dev_tmt_maximum | This token shows the maximum deviation between tangent 1, midpoint and tangent 2 (tmt). This will show the max value for each straight in a project If T1 has the largest deviation for straight 1 but MP has the largest deviation for straight 4 that will be reflected with this token. | |
array_devmp | This token shows the deviation of the Midpoint (middle of a straight) for all straights in a project | |
array_devt1 | This token shows the deviation of tangent 1 (beginning of the straight) for all straights in a project | |
array_devt2 | This token shows the deviation of tangent 2 (end of the straight) for all straights in a project | |
array_dofbend_lra | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_AngleToFirstBendPlane_OrientationBendPlaneToBoss | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_AngleToFirstBendPlane_OrientationBossToBendPlane | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_AngleToFirstDrillBitBoss_OrientationCurrentBossToFirstBoss | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_AngleToFirstDrillBitBoss_OrientationFirstBossToCurrentBoss | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_AngleToNextBendPlane_OrientationBendPlaneToBoss | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_AngleToNextBendPlane_OrientationBossToBendPlane | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_AngleToPreviousBendPlane_OrientationBendPlaneToBoss | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_AngleToPreviousBendPlane_OrientationBossToBendPlane | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_Diameter | This token shows the diameter of the drill bit boss. | |
array_DrillBitBoss_Distance_ToEndA | This token shows the length value of the center of a circle back to end A in an unbent tube. | |
array_DrillBitBoss_Distance_ToNextTangent | ||
array_DrillBitBoss_Distance_ToPreviousTangent | ||
array_end2tan | ||
array_index | This token shows the number of straights in a particular project on a report | |
array_intersectionlengths_delta | This token shows the delta/deviation between the MASTER and MEASURED intersection lengths | |
array_intersectionlengths_master | This token shows all MASTER intersection lengths | |
array_intersectionlengths_measured | This token shows all MEASURED intersection lengths | |
array_l | The token for all MASTER length values (L). | |
array_l_fullspringback | This token shows the length (L) values of the MASTER tube with Springback taken into account. If there is no springback in the project, the values will be the same as the MASTER tube data. | |
array_l_unbent | The value for the master UNBENT lengths. This should be the only value in an unbent tube report since there should be no rotation or angle values | |
array_lbender_plus_adjustments | This token shows the length (L) values that are currently in the Bender Setup page plus the adjustments (The orange columns) These values will change with each recall. | |
array_lbendersetup | This token shows the length (L) values that are currently in the Bender Setup page in the blue columns. These values will change with each recall (if the blue columns change). | |
array_lcor | This token shows the correction values for the lengths (L) in a project. | |
array_lcor_absolute | This token shows the length (L) correction values for absolute bending projects. | |
array_length_master_conrac_compressionbend | This token shows the MASTER length (C) distance for COMPRESSION bending. | |
array_length_master_conrac_drawbend | This token shows the distance (C) values in an absolute or draw bending scenario for a MASTER tube. This value will always start with the largest value for bend 1 and get smaller further down the print. Example: If a the total tube cut length is 20", the first length value may be 18" then 15" then 12". The numbers will always decrease. | |
array_length_measured_conrac_drawbend | This token shows the distance (C) values in an absolute or draw bending scenario for a MEASURED tube. This value will always start with the largest value for bend 1 and get smaller further down the print. Example: If a the total tube cut length is 20", the first length value may be 18" then 15" then 12". The numbers will always decrease. | |
array_lerr | This token reports the length (L) error. This value will be the opposite of the correction values. Example: If VTube reports a 1in correction, the error will be -1in value. | |
array_lmeas | The token for all MEASURED length values (L). | |
array_LRAdeviation_Aoot | This token shows a user weather or not an angle is Out Of Tolerance based on a set angle tolerance. This angle degree tolerance can be set in Inspection Data under Data > Bender Data | |
array_LRAdeviation_Ldeviation | This token shows the length deviation between the MEASURED and MASTER tubes. | |
array_LRAdeviation_Loot | This token shows a user weather or not a length is Out Of Tolerance. This length tolerance can be set in Inspection Data under Data > Bender Data | |
array_LRAdeviation_LTol | This token shows the tolerance being used to qualify the length of measured tubes. | |
array_LRAdeviation_Rdeviation | This token shows the rotation deviation between the MEASURED and MASTER tubes. | |
array_LRAdeviation_Root | This token shows a user weather or not a rotation is Out Of Tolerance. This rotation tolerance can be set in Inspection Data under Data > Bender Data | |
array_LRAdeviation_RTol | This token shows the tolerance being used to qualify the rotation of measured tubes. | |
array_master_dbb_plus_arclen | ||
array_master_tan_x1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the X axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_master_tan_x2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the X axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_master_tan_y1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the Y axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_master_tan_y2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the Y axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_master_tan_z1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the Z axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_master_tan_z2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the Z axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_master_tangent_distance | This reports the distance between tangents of the MASTER tube. | |
array_measured_tan_x1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the X axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_measured_tan_x2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the X axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_measured_tan_y1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the Y axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_measured_tan_y2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the Y axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_measured_tan_z1 | This token reports all of the tangent 1 values in the Z axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_measured_tan_z2 | This token reports all of the tangent 2 values in the Z axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_measuredstraight_cylindricity | This token shows the MEASURED straight cylindricity value. Cylindricity is the difference between the high and the low surface points relative to the cylinder centerline. | |
array_measuredstraight_cylindricity_score | This token shows a user whether a measured cylinder's cylindricity is considered passing or whether the scan was a 'good' scan based on the tolerances set by the user. Anything below 100% is not considered 'good,' and the user may want to re-scan the tube. | |
array_measuredstraight_dcfuncertainty | This token shows a user the Dual Cylinder Fit uncertainty fit of a scan. The DCF calculation divides the surface data into two groups, then calculates the cylinder data and intersection points twice to verify low absolute uncertainty. This token reports that number. | |
array_measuredstraight_dcfuncertainty_score | This token shows a user whether a MEASURED cylinder was a 'good' scan or not based on the tolerances set by the user. This token is specifically looking at the DCF. Dual Cylinder Fit. Anything below 100% is not considered 'good' and the user may want to re-scan the tube. | |
array_measuredstraight_diameter | This token shows all of the measured straight diameter values. If a straight has multiple diameters, this token will show the operator the differences. | |
array_measuredstraight_nearpassdeviation | This token shows the Near Pass deviation on a measured tube. VTube calculates the Nearest Pass distance when finding 3-D intersections between two straights. This token reports the deviations. The default is .098in | |
array_measuredstraight_nearpassdeviation_score | This token reports back to the user a score based on the Near Pass deviation so they can decide weather or not the scan was a quality scan or not. | |
array_measuredstraight_oorpercentage | This token shows the OUT OF ROUND percentage on a cylinder of a measured straight. The default is 8% | |
array_measuredstraight_oorpercentage_score | This token reports back to the user a score based on the out of round deviation so they can decide weather or not the scan was a quality scan or not. | |
array_measuredstraight_ovalitypercentage | This token shows the ovality percentage found on a measured tube straight | |
array_measuredstraight_ovalitypercentage_score | This token reports back to the user a score based on the ovality percentage deviation so they can decide weather or not the scan was a quality scan or not. | |
array_measuredstraight_wobbledeviation | This token shows the wobble deviation. Wobble is a statistical prediction by the math engine regarding how confident it is for the cylinder centerline calculation from the surface points. | |
array_measuredstraight_wobbledeviation_score | This token reports back to the user a score based on the wobble deviation so they can decide weather or not the scan was a quality scan or not. | |
array_midpoint_x | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the X axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_midpoint_xfit | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the X axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_midpoint_xmeas | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the X axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_midpoint_y | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the Y axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_midpoint_yfit | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the Y axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_midpoint_ymeas | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the Y axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_midpoint_z | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the Z axis for the MASTER tube | |
array_midpoint_zfit | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the Z axis for the ALIGNED tube | |
array_midpoint_zmeas | This token reports all of the midpoint values in the Z axis for the MEASURED tube | |
array_mp_oot | This token shows the out of tolerance values for the midpoints of all straights in a project. | |
array_notelist | This token will show all the notes listed in a project. These notes can be added in the Part Setup menu under the Notes List tab | |
array_point_label | This token is for the MASTER point labels on the tube in the viewport. ![]() | |
array_point_label_measured | This token is for the MEASURED point labels on the tube in the viewport. | |
array_postarc_accumulated_master | This token shows the user the current arc length plus the straight length for straight 1. For straight 2, the value = arc length + straight length + next straight length + next arc length. | |
array_postlength_accumulated_from_other_end_master | ||
array_postlength_accumulated_master | This token shows the user the current length plus the previous length plus the arc length. Example: Straight #2 is 2.33", straight #1 is 2", the arc length is 1.571 so the Accum value is 5.914 | |
array_r | This token shows the rotation (R) values for each row in the MASTER LRA table. | |
array_r_360cwpos | The 360cwpos token allows a user to look at the CLOCKWISE rotation in a 360-degree rotation method for each bend. | |
array_r_unbent | This token shows all the unbent rotations for the MASTER LRA table. This value should be 0 since there are no rotation or angle values for an unbent tube. | |
array_r_unbent_cwpos | This token shows the rotation of an unbent tube in the CLOCKWISE positive direction. This should be 0 because there is no rotation value in an unbent tube. | |
array_radius_lra | This token shows the radius associated with each row of the MASTER LRA data | |
array_radius_lra_bendersetup | This token shows the radius values that are currently in the Bender Setup page in the last column. These values will change with each recall (if the value was to change) | |
array_radius_lra_unbent | This token shows the radius associated with each row of the unbent MASTER LRA data | |
array_radius_lrameas | This token shows the radius associated with each row of the MEASURED LRA data | |
array_radius_xyz | The radius values associated with each row of the XYZ table. If the radius values are not the same for each row, this token will reflect that. | |
array_radius_xyz_unbent | This token shows the radius for each row of the MASTER XYZ table in the unbent orientation | |
array_radius_xyzdev | ||
array_radius_xyzfit | This token shows the user the Measured Aligned XYZ radius values. If the radius is not measured, they will default to the nominal values. If they are measured, they will be linked to the correct radius in the Measured Aligned tube section on the report. | |
array_radius_xyzmeas | This token shows the user the Measured XYZ radius values. If the radius is not measured, they will default to the nominal values. If they are measured, they will be linked to the correct radius in the Measured tube section on the report. | |
array_radiusqualificaiton_bendprofile_measure_type | The bend profile measure type tells the user which type of measurement was taken. The options are "Inside Only", "Inside/Outside", "Four Sides", and "Outside Only" | |
array_radiusqualificaiton_bendprofile_measured_yes_no | This token will let a user know right away if a bend was measured or not. YES if it was measured and NO if it was not measured. | |
array_radiusqualification_bendprofile_envelope_in_out | This lets the user know right away if the measured bend profile is within their allowed tolerance they are using. IN if the bend is within tolerance and OUT if it is above the allowed tolerance. | |
array_radiusqualification_bendprofile_envelope_tolerance | This shows the user what the tolerance is for the bend profile. This value can be adjusted in Inspection Data under Data > Bend Profiles > Envelope > Default Tolerance | |
array_radiusqualification_clr | This shows the MEASURED center line of the radius of a tube. | |
array_radiusqualification_clr_deviation | This shows the DEVIATION between the MASTER and MEASURED center line of the radius of a tube. | |
array_radiusqualification_clr_oot | This shows how Out Of Tolerance the center line of a radius is between measured and master tubes. | |
array_radiusqualification_clr_tolerance | This token dictates the tolerance allowed for the center line radius of a tube to determine weather or not the tube passes inspection. | |
array_radiusqualification_insideradius | This token shows the measured inside radius of a bend. | |
array_radiusqualification_od_inplane_actual | This token shows the MEASURED outside diameter of the bend profile in plane | |
array_radiusqualification_od_inplane_change | ||
array_radiusqualification_od_inplane_oot | ||
array_radiusqualification_od_inplane_tolerance | ||
array_radiusqualification_od_nominal | This token shows the MASTER outside diameter of the bend profile in plane | |
array_radiusqualification_od_perpplane_actual | ||
array_radiusqualification_od_perpplane_change | ||
array_radiusqualification_od_perpplane_oot | ||
array_radiusqualification_od_perpplane_tolerance | ||
array_radiusqualification_oor_oot | ||
array_radiusqualification_oor_percentage | ||
array_radiusqualification_oor_tolerance | ||
array_radiusqualification_ovality_oot | ||
array_radiusqualification_ovality_percentage | ||
array_radiusqualification_ovality_tolerance | ||
array_rbender_plus_adjustments | This token shows the rotation (R) values, in a counter clockwise positive direction, that are currently in the Bender Setup page plus the adjustments (The orange columns) These values will change with each recall. | |
array_rbender_plus_adjustments_cwpos | This token shows the rotation (R) values, in a clockwise positive direction, that are currently in the Bender Setup page plus the adjustments (The orange columns) These values will change with each recall. | |
array_rbendersetup | This token shows the rotation (R) values, in a counter clockwise positive direction, that are currently in the Bender Setup page in the blue columns. These values will change with each recall (if the blue columns change). | |
array_rbendersetup_cwpos | This token shows the rotation (R) values, in a clockwise positive direction, that are currently in the Bender Setup page in the blue columns. These values will change with each recall (if the blue columns change). | |
array_rcor | This token shows the correction values for the rotations (R) in a counterclockwise direction in a project. | |
array_rcor_absolute | This token shows the correction values for the rotations (R) in an absolute rotation direction. The dial on an absolute rotation spindle reads from 0-360 in a clockwise direction. | |
array_rcor_cwpos | This token shows the correction values for the rotations (R) in a clockwise direction in a project. | |
array_rerr | This token reports the rotation (R) error. This value will be the opposite of the correction values. Example: If VTube is reporting a 0.5-degree rotation correction, the error will be -0.5. | |
array_rerr_cwpos | ||
array_rmeas | This token shows the rotation (R) values for each row in the MEASURED LRA table. | |
array_rmeas_cwpos | This token shows the rotation (R) values for each row in the MEASURED LRA table in a CLOCKWISE positive direction. | |
array_rotation_master_conrac | This token shows the rotation for the MASTER tube in a Clockwise or Counter Clockwise direction. This is referred to as the Turn Angle (E) | |
array_rotation_measured_conrac | This token shows the rotation for the MEASURED tube in a Clockwise or Counter Clockwise direction. This is referred to as the Turn Angle (E) | |
Array_RotationDirection | This token shows the user which way a part was rotated. This can be clockwise (CW) or counter clockwise (CCW). | |
Array_RotationDirection_Measured | ||
array_SpaceObject_Metrics_Deviation_Value | ||
array_SpaceObject_Metrics_Measured_Value | ||
array_SpaceObject_Metrics_Name | ||
array_SpaceObject_Metrics_Nominal_Value | ||
array_SpaceObject_Metrics_OOT_Value | ||
array_SpaceObject_Metrics_Tolerance_Value | ||
array_SpaceObject_Name | This token shows the names of all the Space Objects in a project. These can be changed to reflect the attributes of the space object. | |
array_t1_oot | This token shows the out of tolerance value for tangent 1 (beginning of the straight) for all straights in a project | |
array_t2_oot | This token shows the out of tolerance value for tangent 2 (end of the straight) for all straights in a project | |
array_tolmp | This token shows the deviation of the midpoint (middle of the straight) for all straights in a project | |
array_tolt1 | This token shows the tolerance of tangent 1 (beginning of the straight) for all straights in a project | |
array_tolt2 | This token shows the tolerance of tangent 2 (end of the straight) for all straights in a project | |
array_tolXint | ||
array_tolXint_neg | The negative tolerance allowed for all X values in a project | |
array_tolXint_pos | The positive tolerance allowed for all X values in a project | |
array_tolYint | ||
array_tolYint_neg | The negative tolerance allowed for all Y values in a project | |
array_tolYint_pos | The positive tolerance allowed for all Y values in a project | |
array_tolZint | ||
array_tolZint_neg | The negative tolerance allowed for all Z values in a project | |
array_tolZint_pos | The positive tolerance allowed for all Z values in a project | |
array_x | This token shows the X values for each row in the MASTER XYZ table. | |
array_x_aligned_todatum_aligned | ||
array_x_aligned_todatum_master | ||
array_x_master_todatum_master | ||
array_x_unbent | This token shows all of the X values for an unbent tube. These will be the same X values as a bent tube. | |
array_xdev | The X deviation between the MEASURED and MASTER tubes. | |
array_xfit | ||
array_xint_outtol | This token shows how far out of tolerance the measured X values are in a project | |
array_xmeas | This token shows all of the X values for a MEASURED tube. | |
array_xyz_int_dev | ||
Added in v4.3.1611, June 28, 2024 | array_xyz_int_outtol | This is the XYZ Intersection 3D OUT OF TOLERANCE value returned in an array of values. This is for a GD&T true position qualification of the intersection points in a tube shape. (Added on June 28, 2024) |
Added in v4.3.1611, June 28, 2024 | array_xyz_int_tol | This is the XYZ Intersection 3D Tolerance returned in an array of values. This is for a GD&T true position qualification of the intersection points in a tube shape. |
array_y | This token shows the Y values for each row in the MASTER XYZ table. | |
array_y_aligned_todatum_aligned | ||
array_y_aligned_todatum_master | ||
array_y_master_todatum_master | ||
array_y_unbent | This token shows all of the Y values for an unbent tube. These will be the same Y values as a bent tube. | |
array_ydev | The Y deviation between the MEASURED and MASTER tubes. | |
array_yfit | ||
array_yint_outtol | This token shows how far out of tolerance the measured Y values are in a project | |
array_ymeas | ||
array_z | This token shows the Z values for each row in the MASTER XYZ table. | |
array_z_aligned_todatum_aligned | ||
array_z_aligned_todatum_master | ||
array_z_master_todatum_master | ||
array_z_unbent | This token shows all of the Z values for an unbent tube. These are the same Z values as a bent tube. | |
array_zdev | The Z deviation between the MEASURED and MASTER tubes. | |
array_zfit | ||
array_zint_outtol | This token shows how far out of tolerance the measured Z values are in a project | |
array_zmeas | This token shows all of the Z values for a MEASURED tube. | |
author | The author of the currently loaded project. | |
b_end_length_adjustment | This token alters both the MASTER and MEASURED B length. This token reports the End "B" length adjustment. The adjustment dynamically adds material to the tube end without moving the endpoint. | |
b-endangledifference | This value reports the end B angle difference between MASTER and MEASURED | |
b-endangledifferencetolerance | This value reports the tolerance for the end B angle difference between MASTER and MEASURED | |
BenderNumber | The number of the bender being used in conjunction with the currently loaded project. This is the number inside VTube not necessarily the number at the bender control. Some controls require they be the same and others do not. | |
bendertype | The type of bender being utilized for the particular project loaded. | |
b-endlengthdifference | This value reports the B end length difference between MASTER and MEASURED | |
b-endlengthdifferencetolerance | This value reports tolerance for the B end length difference between MASTER and MEASURED | |
b-endlengthdifferencetoleranceneg | This value reports tolerance for the B end length difference between MASTER and MEASURED in the negative direction | |
b-endlengthdifferencetolerancepos | This value reports tolerance for the B end length difference between MASTER and MEASURED in the positive direction | |
bendoffset | This token shows the B-End Offset for the MEASURED tube. If a user needed to extend the end of a tube for a scan, they could enter the value of the extension so VTube-LASER knew it was measuring something longer than the end of the tube, but would know the length and be able to push back the measurement to the actual end of the tube. | |
B-EndOffset | This token shows the T2 dev value for the last straight in a project. This value can also be found in the Inspection Data window under Tan/Mid | |
bends | The number of bends associated with the project currently loaded. | |
calclengthmaster_with_elong | This token shows the calculated length of the MASTER tube with elongation compensation. | |
calclengthmaster_without_elong | This token shows the calculated length of the MASTER tube with no elongation compensation. | |
calclengthmastermeasureddelta_with_elong | This token shows the calculated difference of the MASTER tube minus the MEASURED tube with elongation compensation. | |
calclengthmastermeasureddelta_without_elong | This token shows the calculated difference of the MASTER tube minus the MEASURED tube with no elongation compensation. | |
calclengthmeasured_with_elong | The calculated MEASURED tube length based on the parametric data from the most current scan with a pre established elongation percentage | |
calclengthmeasured_without_elong | The calculated MEASURED tube length based on the parametric data from the most current scan without elongation | |
calctubeelongationpercentage_cutlength_measuredlength | This token calculates the elongation percentage from the CUT length minus the MEASURED tube length | |
calctubeelongationpercentage_masterlength_measuredlength | This token calculates the elongation percentage from the MASTER tube length minus the MEASURED tube length | |
comment1 | Comment 1 can be found in Part Setup. It allows users to enter multi-line notes. This comment, if used, it is displayed at every VTube project load.![]() | |
comment2 | Comment 2 can be found in Part Setup. It allows users to enter multi-line notes. This comment, if used, it is displayed at every VTube project load. | |
customer | The customer associated with the project currently loaded. | |
CustomField_Name1 | The custom field tokens allow users to customize what they see in the equivalent of a Part Setup grid. Users can fill in the name and values individually and specifically for each project. This token allows a user to type in the field name for slot 1 | |
CustomField_Name2 | This token allows a user to type in the field name for slot 2. See CustomField_Name1 | |
CustomField_Name3 | This token allows a user to type in the field name for slot 3. See CustomField_Name1 | |
CustomField_Name4 | This token allows a user to type in the field name for slot 4. See CustomField_Name1 | |
CustomField_Name5 | This token allows a user to type in the field name for slot 5. See CustomField_Name1 | |
CustomField_Value1 | This token allows a user to type in the value related to field name 1. | |
CustomField_Value2 | This token allows a user to type in the value related to field name 2 | |
CustomField_Value3 | This token allows a user to type in the value related to field name 3 | |
CustomField_Value4 | This token allows a user to type in the value related to field name 4 | |
CustomField_Value5 | This token allows a user to type in the value related to field name 5 | |
cutlength | Cut length of the tube is determined by the parametric data of the tube. This can be altered based on the option selected in the drop down in row 27 in Part Setup. 1- If the drop-down is "Disabled" then VTube will allow an operator to manually change the cut length if so desired 2- If the drop-down is "ON Nominal" then VTube will always calculate the cut length based on the LRA data 3- If the drop down is "ON + Elong Comp" then VTube will include the elongation percentage that would be entered in row 37. ![]() | |
cylinder_fit_score | This is the token for Wobble, Cylindricity, OOR, Ovality, Near Pass, and DCF ![]() | |
date | This token displays the date of date the project was created | |
datetime | This token displays the date and time the project was scanned | |
datum-coordinate | This token displays the origin point (first row) of the MASTER XYX grid unless otherwise specified. | |
datum-setup | This is usually Straight 1 End 1 (S1-End 1) unless changed with the Point Selector inside the Datum Tab under Master Tube.![]() | |
defaultradius | The radius used for all rows of XYZ and LRA data. If one row has a different value, a user will need to go in and identify that. | |
defaulttolerance | The default tolerance chosen by a user for the shape of the tube based on Tan/Mid data. | |
diameter | Diameter of the tube currently loaded. | |
DofBend1 | Degree of Bend D of bend = Centerline Radius / OD. With the example of a 3in diameter tube, the DofBend with a 1", 2" and 3" radius is shown below. ![]() | |
DofBend2 | Each project can have multiple radii. See DofBend1 | |
DofBend3 | See DofBend1 | |
EndA_TolT1 | This token reflects the tolerance used for end A. By changing the default tolerance, the "A" Offset value will change. | |
EndADiameter | The diameter of End A. This can vary between the end and the rest of the tube![]() | |
EndB_TolT2 | This token reflects the tolerance used for end B. By changing the default tolerance, the "B" Offset value will change. | |
EndBDiameter | The diameter of End B. This can vary between the end and the rest of the tube![]() | |
EndTrimProfileReport_EndA | This token shows a user information about the end trim data for end A. Information included is: Tube Data Source End Trim Profile Cloud Count Solutions Found End Trim Profile Cloud Data | |
EndTrimProfileReport_EndB | This token shows a user information about the end trim data for end B. Information included is: Tube Data Source End Trim Profile Cloud Count Solutions Found End Trim Profile Cloud Data | |
fixedspringback | This token shows the fixed springback in degrees used in a project Springback = [(Bend Angle x Proportional %) + Fixed] | |
InnerDiameter | This token is for the inner diameter of the tube (ID) | |
jobnumber | The job number associated with the project currently loaded. | |
laser2sigmaerror | ||
lasercalibrationdate | The last date the laser was calibrated | |
lasermaxerror | The maximum laser error identified by the scanning arm | |
last_measurexyz_creation_datetime | This token links the current date and time with the most recent MEASURED data | |
LinearUnitAbreviatedCapitalized | This token shows which linear unit is being used as I or M for Imperial (inches) or Metric (millimeters) | |
materialspec | The specification of the material being used for the current project loaded | |
measurexyz_note | ||
NPS | Token for the Nominal Pipe Sizes. Double click the NPS rows to select a value or go to System Options > Global Level Lists > Edit Valid Tube and Pipe Size Selection Table to add, remove or edit current setups. | |
NPSCLR | Nominal Pipe Size center line radius | |
NPSDofBend | Nominal Pipe Size degree of bend D of bend = Centerline Radius / OD. | |
OORCalc_Measured_OD_Average | This token shows the Measured OD Average of all OD scans | |
OORCalc_Measured_OD_High | This token shows the Measured OD HIGH of all OD scans | |
OORCalc_Measured_OD_Low | This token shows the Measured OD LOW of all OD scans | |
OORCalc_Measured_OD_OORPercentage | This token shows the Measured OD Out Of Round percentage | |
OORCalc_Measured_OD_OvalityPercentage | This token shows the Measured OD Ovality percentage of a tube being measured. | |
OORCalc_Surface_Cylindricity | This token shows a tubes surface cylindricity in Inches or Millimeters. | |
OORCalc_Surface_HighPoint_Distance | This token shows the highest point on a cylinder surface in Inches or Millimeters. | |
OORCalc_Surface_LowPoint_Distance | This token shows the lowest point on a cylinder surface in Inches or Millimeters. | |
OORCalc_Surface_OOR_Percentage | This token shows the Out Of Round percentage based on the high and low points on a surface | |
OORCalc_Surface_Ovality_Percentage | This token shows the Ovality percentage based on the high and low points on a surface | |
organization | The organization associated with the project currently loaded. This is determined by the user or company using VTube. | |
partname | The Part Name used alongside the Part Number used to distinguish parts from each other. | |
partnumber | The Part Number used to distinguish parts from each other. | |
PassFail_QualifierAttributes_Result | This token shows a user weather or not a scan passed or failed based on the pre-selected attributes | |
PassFail_QualifierAttributes_Setup | This token shows the list of pre-selected qualification attributes. | |
PassFail_Tangents_EndLengths_ABLength | This token reports to a user if a scan passed or failed based on the tangents, end lengths and AB lengths. If those values are within the tolerance set by the user, the scan will pass. If they are above the tolerance, the scan will fail. | |
PassFail_Tangents_EndLengths_ABLength_EndAngles | This token reports to a user if a scan passed or failed based on the tangents, end lengths, AB lengths and end angles. If those values are within the tolerance set by the user, the scan will pass. If they are above the tolerance, the scan will fail. | |
points | The number of XYZ points. | |
probe2sigmaerror | ||
probecalibrationdate | The last date a probe was calibrated | |
probediameter | The diameter of the probe being used for the project currently loaded in. | |
probemaxerror | The maximum error that the probe identified | |
probename | The name of the probe currently being used. | |
proportionalspringback | This token shows the proportional spring back used in a project shown in percentages. Springback = [(Bend Angle x Proportional %) + Fixed] | |
rec_alignment_angle | The twist/angle of the rectangular/square legs | |
rec_fillet_radius | This token is used to show the value of the fillet radius in a square/rectangular tube. The larger the fillet radius, the less sharp the angle | |
rec_wall_thickness | The wall thickness of the rectangular tube currently loaded. | |
rec_width_1 | The first width used to determine the sizing of a square/rectangular tube. | |
rec_width_2 | The second width used to determine the sizing of a square/rectangular tube | |
revision | The revision value used for the project currently loaded | |
straights | The number of straights in the project currently loaded | |
supplier | The supplier of materials or information of the project currently loaded VTube-LASER can calculate Tube Elongation Percentage by subtracting the current CUT LENGTH from the MEASURED LENGTH - then calculate the percentage by comparing that change to the total ARC LENGTHS in the measured tube. | |
tubeelongationpercentage | VTube-LASER can calculate Tube Elongation Percentage by subtracting the current CUT LENGTH from the MEASURED LENGTH - then calculate the percentage by comparing that change to the total ARC LENGTHS in the measured tube. (Measured Length - Cut Length) / (Arc Length Sum for Whole Tube) X 100 | |
unit | The unit being used for a project. Imperial or Metric (I) (M)![]() ![]() | |
viewport_image | The blue viewport that shows the image of the project currently loaded. | |
wall | The wall thickness of the tube currently loaded. | |
workorder | The work order value of the project currently loaded. | |
x-span-aligned | This token reflects the span of X in the MEASURED ALIGNED tube | |
x-span-master | This token reflects the span of X in the MASTER tube | |
x-span-measured | This token reflects the span of X in the MEASURED tube | |
y-span-aligned | This token reflects the span of Y in the MEASURED ALIGNED tube | |
y-span-master | This token reflects the span of Y in the MASTER tube | |
y-span-measured | This token reflects the span of Y in the MEASURED tube | |
z-span-aligned | This token reflects the span of Z in the MEASURED ALIGNED tube | |
z-span-master | This token reflects the span of Z in the MASTER tube | |
z-span-measured | This token reflects the span of Z in the MEASURED tube |