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List of VTube HTML Value Tags

These VTube report HTML tags surround tokens within a VTube report template file.  The tags indicate to VTube when a value token should be replaced by a value in the report.

The tags also allow for special embedded instructions to control the linear unit of the value displayed by the VTube report engine.

  1. <vtube_val>
    This tag is used to output any data in VTube.
    If the data is a linear distance, then it is output in the current user interface unit.

  2. <vtube_val_in>
    This tag is used to output linear distance data in INCHES only.
    It does not affect the output if used to surround non-linear data.

  3. <vtube_val_mm>
    This tag is used to output linear distance data in MILLIMETERS only.
    It does not affect the output if used to surround non-linear data.

  4. <vtube_val_cm>
    This tag is used to output linear distance data in CENTIMETERS only.
    It does not affect the output if used to surround non-linear data.

  5. <vtube_val_mt>
    This tag is used to output linear distance data in METERS only.
    It does not affect the output if used to surround non-linear data.

  6. <vtube_val_ft>
    This tag is used to output linear distance data in FEET only.
    It does not affect the output if used to surround non-linear data.

  7. <vtube_val_yd>
    This tag is used to output linear distance data in YARDS only.
    It does not affect the output if used to surround non-linear data.

  8. <vtube_val_alt>
    This tag is used to output the alternative linear distance. See the section below for how to use this tag.

This is an example HTML report of an XYZ chart output only in millimeters - regardless of the current user interface linear unit.

<font class="title">Master XYZ Data - Millimeters</font>
    <th class="th_xyz_index">Point</th>
    <th class="th_xyz">X</th>    
    <th class="th_xyz">Y</th>    
    <th class="th_xyz">Z</th>
    <th class="th_xyz">Radius</th>    
<vtube_iterate section=XYZ>
    <td class="td_index"><vtube_val>Array_INDEX</vtube_val></td>
    <td class="td_xyz"><vtube_val_mm>Array_X</vtube_val_mm></td>
    <td class="td_xyz"><vtube_val_mm>Array_Y</vtube_val_mm></td>    
    <td class="td_xyz"><vtube_val_mm>Array_Z</vtube_val_mm></td>
    <td class="td_xyz_radius"><vtube_val_mm>Array_RADIUS_XYZ</vtube_val_mm></td>

This is sample output:

About the Alternative Value tag: <vtube_val_alt>

This is how the alternative user units can be displayed in a report. 

With this tag, the alternative unit will be millimeters if the display linear units are inches.

The alternative unit will be inches if the display linear units are millimeters.

The alternative units will use the proper decimal place formatting set in System Options.

The sample code for this output is:

    <td class="td_index"><vtube_val>Array_INDEX</vtube_val></td>
    <td class="td_xyz"><vtube_val>Array_X</vtube_val>
    <td class="td_xyz"><vtube_val>Array_Y</vtube_val>
    <td class="td_xyz"><vtube_val>Array_Z</vtube_val>
    <td class="td_xyz_radius"><vtube_val>Array_RADIUS_XYZ</vtube_val>

It is important to put each <vtube_val> tag set in its own line, or VTube will not find them.