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About VTube VTP Project-Level File Backup File Methods and Maintenance

About the VTP Backup File Names and Location

When VTube saves backup project files, it stores them in the  "C:\Users\Public\Documents\VTube"  folder.

The filename has the   "vtube_backup_ " pattern followed by a date and time like "20230824_10_22_54.vtp".

They look like this:

In the above example, backup files were stored in the test system above in July, September, and October.  Because the sizes are small (about 23K), these files probably represent backups of the default cleared setup. Since they are small files, these were likely built automatically when a USB key check failed (see below).

Backup the Current Project At Any Time with Ctrl-B

VTube can save a project backup file whenever the user presses Ctrl+B.  This command works in both VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER windows.

Automatic Project Backup at USB Key Check Fail

If the USB key check fails, then VTube senses that it may be shutting down soon - and will automatically save backup files of the current project state to ensure that you don't lose any current project in memory.

Are These Files Safe to Delete? Yes

These files are safe to delete if you are not missing any files due to a VTube USB Key Check shutdown or software crash.