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About VTube Tube Data Storage List Backup and Autotrim

About Tube Data Storage Backup and Autotrim

To control memory consumed by the historical data in the Tube Data Storage menu, VTube can automatically cull data out of the list and save it to a backup file. 

The filename takes on the form of:

Orange Exhaust Demo Part_20230910_23_31_06_TubeDataStorageList_Backup_Autotrim.VTP

The folder is always a sub-folder to the current project file location. In these examples, you can see that the folder "CTPAutoBackup" was formed below the project file folder to hold the backup file.

Safe to Delete? Yes

This past year, we moved the files to a subfolder to clean up the folder structure for a user who requested this change. This will make finding and removing these folders easier if you no longer need this data.

However, if you must store historical data, you will want to keep these VTP files for possible use in the future.  When you load them into VTube-LASER, you can view the data in Tube Data Storage from any measure event in the past.