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How to Make Setup Changes to Several Project Files at the Same Time

System Options / Project Setup /Batch File Changes

VTube allows you to change some of the default project parameters for existing files using the Batch File Changes tab menu inside System Options - Project Setup.

The default values can be changed in the Measure Setup, Inspection Data Setup, and Diameter Cut Plane setup.

By "batch", we mean that you can change the setup values to thousands of VTP files at one time. 

About the Batch Change Windows

All the Batch Change windows operate that same way.

First, be sure that you have VTube configured the way you want for all the files.  You can use either the currently loaded Measure Setup, or you can use the default Measure Setup (that shows after a New / Clear project).

Then step through the choices shown on the left side. When everything is set the way you want it, then press Process the Files Now.

Of course, you will want to take your time and exercise care. This process will modify 20,000 files in just a few minutes.