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Chiyoda MQ 85 Bender Controls

Chiyoda MQ85 Controls

About this model

The MQ85 model is sold as either a Chiyoda (the green bender) or a KEINS (the blue bender). (The two benders are very similar due to a chief engineer splitting from Chiyoda and starting his own company, COMCO.) They are both touch-screen. To the best of our knowledge, every one of the CHIYODA controls can be upgraded to communicate with a firmware upgrade if necessary. Also, all MQ85 KEINS benders will communicate.

Firmware Versions for CHIYODA

Touch-screen Chiyoda controls version 11.19 and earlier will not communicate due to a bug in the communications logic. This was repaired in later versions. The first version that we know of that will communicate is 11.A0. (Some refer to this as 11.21A0)