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How MOXA NPort Serial Device Servers Work in Benderlink Ethernet Modules

1 - Principles for MOXA NPort Serial Device Servers

The device that is installed inside the Benderlink module is a MOXA NPort W2150A.

It is a serial device server. It acts as a virtual (not physical) RS232 serial port for any connected Windows computer. The connection is made through a network cable or WiFi.

2 - Initial Setup Information About the MOXA NPort Serial Device Server

See the manual: Moxa NPort W2150A Manual Version 10.2.pdf

When powering the device, if it senses a DHCP server connection, then it will seek an IP from that server. If there is no DHCP server on the other end of the connection, then the device will default to these static IP addresses. (This information is on page 15 of the manual.)

If the device boots and is set to the above static IP addresses, then you can connect an RJ45 cable directly to a Windows computer the first time, then set the Windows computer to use the first same three octets (like 192.168.126.nnn) in its IP address for the port that is connected.  The last octet in the Windows computer should be anything other than 254.  For example, set the port on the Windows computer to

Open a command window using "CMD" in the start menu, and attempt to ping with the ping command like this:

Press the Enter key.  If the device answers with a "Reply..." then you have a connection to the NPort.