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Probe compensation allows users to find the true location of a measure on the outside of a ball probe by offsetting the point measured by the radius of the ball.  In VTube-LASER, any measure of the end or cylinders of a tube shape automatically compensates for the ball's position.

END A Measure Ball Probe Compensation

This image shows a user measuring the end of the tube using a ball probe on a HEXAGON arm.  The probe has a diameter of 6 mm (0.236 inches), so compensations are always half the diameter (or the radius of the diameter).  In the image below, after an end measure, VTube-LASER knows how to compensate for the offset by the ball radius in the direction of the bend.

The compensation direction for end scans is controlled in the Measure Setup > Tactile menu.

The start and stop ball or LASER measure of the first straight control the compensation direction.  In these images, you can see the user starts near the end of the tube and finishes closer to the bend.

Compensation Rule: The START LASER stripe (or the first three points for a ball probe) must be closer to the end than all other LASER stripes (or the last three points for a ball probe).

See this video on a good cylinder scan that also controls the ball compensation for the endpoint location.

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In this case, the point was compensated toward the first bend by 3 mm. A dimension is shown on the screen to confirm that the offset is correct.

The orange ball should be closer to the bend than the green ball. The orange ball is the final end point.

END B Measure Ball Probe Compensation

The rule for End B Ball Probe compensation is to scan from the bend toward the end like this:

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Compensating Away From Bends for Flanges

You would want to compensate away from the bend if you are measuring inside of a flat flange-like surface. 

In the Tactile menu, set the compensation for the ends to Away from Bend:

Turn the LASER off for end A and start measuring the tube like this:

Then measure straight 1 like this:

The green ball should be closer to the bend than the orange ball. The orange ball is the final end point.

Scan the last straight like this:

Measure end B like this, then press the accept button.

The green ball should be closer to the bend than the orange ball. The orange ball is the final end point.