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VTube Update History 4.3 - July 2024

Version 4.3 Build 1631 - July 25, 2024

1 - We fixed a "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" problem when UAC (User Access Control) is active and running in the restricted Operator mode.

Version 4.3 Build 1628 - July 18, 2024

1 - We added a new project auto-recovery for crash protection to protect from loss of work in VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER.

2 - The project path under the top toolbar is no longer lost when adding new parts in the assembly.

3 - The linear dimension plus and minus calculation now work even if the true position dimension calculation checkbox is unchecked. They should be and are now independent of the true position qualification calculation switch.

Version 4.3 Build 1624 - July 17, 2024

1 - The VTube-STEP COMCO CSV Export window Clockwise Positive checkbox state is now stored in the global configuration file to restore this state.

Version 4.3 Build 1623 - July 16, 2024

1 - We fixed the Split Bend grid highlighting in VTube-STEP so that all rows with Split Bend are shaded orange.

This helps users know where Split Bends are switched on or off inside VTube-STEP.

Version 4.3 Build 1622 - July 11, 2024

  1. We removed development tab menus from the user interface for both VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER.

    Warning: These development menus contain buttons we use to run incomplete algorithms not intended for release. Pressing some of the buttons will lock the VTube interface or cause VTube to behave unpredictably.

This is the previous user interface:

This is the corrected user interface: