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VTube Update History 4.3 - September 2024

Version 4.3 Build 1667, September 26, 2024

1 - Tube-length HTML tokens were added for report template backward compatibility.

These tokens are considered the valid and are equivalent in report templates to the tokens with "_without_elong".

a - calclengthmaster is now the same as calclengthmaster_without_elong

b - calclengthmeasured is now the same as calclengthmeasured_without_elong

c - calclengthmastermeasureddelta is now the same as calclengthmastermeasureddelta_without_elong

Version 4.3 Build 1665, September 25, 2024

1 - New in VTube - Search the Report Templates Grids

Version 4.3 Build 1664 - September 25, 2024

1 - The Absolute Length calculations in reports now use calculated cut lengths associated with the data type (master or measured).

Version 4.3 Build 1663 - September 24, 2024

1 - VTube-LASER now has new axis choices for dimension calculation alignments in Linear Dimensions.

Now, it is possible to snap a linear dimension to the plane of any space object.

Version 4.3 Build 1662 - September 24, 2024

1 - A Linear Dimension creation issue was fixed when referencing space objects with spaces before or after the name.

2 - A tube link grid display issue was fixed for Round Slots to enable the checkbox options.

Version 4.3 Build 1661 - September 19, 2024

1 - Several VTube-LASER Round Slot Probe measure process fixes were made. 

2 - VTube-LASER no longer uses the proximity filter to reduce the point count for probing points as it does for laser scanning.

The points probed will always be considered intentionally placed - even if they are close to other points.

3 - We changed a caption for clarity in the separation filter grid.

"Point Cloud Data Proximity Filter" is changed to "Point Cloud Data Proximity Filter - Multiple Laser Stripes Only"  

3 - The Use Multi-Elongation Setup values checkbox in Part Setup will no longer show a residual "0" when the menu is expanded or compressed.

4 - A minor change was made to the scroll-to-the-end logic for the Point Cloud grid when inserting new buckets.

Version 4.3 Build 1657 - September 16, 2024

1 - VTube-LASER point clouds can now be exported with one of three internal delimiters: comma, tab, or space.

(A delimiter is a character used to separate coordinate axis numbers, like "100.1, 200.2, 300.3," which uses the comma to separate the numbers. )

Version 4.3 Build 1656 - September 13, 2024

1 - VTube-LASER can now import PC-DMIS XYZ point clouds to measure.

Version 4.3 Build 1655 - September 12, 2024

1 -  Now the VTube-LASER Measure Complete window allows users to copy measured to master data.

This will allow users to override the alignment step if they intend to reverse-engineer the tube shape.

2 - The Bend Profile window linear values now update and change units when the user changes linear units in the main VTube-LASER page.

Version 4.3 Build 1654 - September 9, 2024

1 - The VTube Special Features Calculator now has a new Tangent Distance calculator.

Enter the bend angle and radius, and VTube will calculate the tangent distance from the intersection point to a bend's tangent points.

This video shows how to load and use the calculator: