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VTube Communication for Winton Benders

VTube Communication for Winton Benders

Vtube-laser logo 1.96.png Vtube-step logo 1.96.png

VTube-LASER and VTube-STEP can communicate with Winton bender controls using the Winton RD data file protocol.

VTube-STEP can EXPORT data to Winton benders using the protocol. VTube-LASER can SEND and RECALL data to/from Winton benders for full corrections loops.

Follow this guide to setup the VTube for communications with benders using the Winton RD file protocol.

Vtube-laser-winton rd splash.png

60 Second Video Demonstration

Click on the image to see a 60 second video on how correction loops work with the Winton RD bender:

Vtube-laser 2.2 winton correction loop video.png

How to Use VTube-STEP to Setup a Winton RD Bender

You can use the VTube-STEP EXPORT menu to send a new part data to a Winton RD bender.

This protocol requires that a network connection be shared between the Winton bender control and the VTube-LASER computer.

STEP 1 - Start the Export (FOR NEW PARTS)

Press the EXPORT Winton WMC File button.

Vtube-step 2.2 winton rd export step1.png

STEP 2 - Export Window

Choose a good starting Winton WMC Template file. Use the ellipsis button if necessary to select a template file. A template file contains your starting setup for a Winton bender.

Then press the Edit Winton WMC Template File button.

Vtube-step 2.2 winton rd export step2.png

STEP 3 - Setup the Values

Loading the Winton template will display a starting set of values for the WMC file.

You can change any of the setup values in this template. (We don't recommend that you change the values in the first two rows.)

Keep in mind that VTube will automatically overwrite any of the LRA and radius values in the next step, so you don't have to change those values.

Vtube-step 2.2 winton rd export step3.png

STEP 4 - Save the Winton File

Save the Winton file to the network location where the Winton control can also find the file.

Vtube-step 2.2 winton rd export step4.png

STEP 5 - Load the Winton File Into the Bender Control and Bend the Tube

Load the new Winton file into the control, finish the setup of the bender, then bend the tube.

Vtube-step 2.2 winton rd export step5.png

VTube-LASER Setup for Winton Communications

VTube-LASER uses a Benderlink grid to setup the communications protocol for each bender. The grid is in Setup Options, Measure 2, Setup Benderlink Options menu.

In the Benderlink options menu, choose the bender to edit by selecting the cells in the bender row you want to setup.

  • Set the bender name (this is for showing the bender name in the user interface only).

  • Set the protocol by choosing Winton WMC.

  • Set the NetPath where files will be shared.

  • Skip the ComPort setting because it has no application to this protocol.

  • Skip the timeout setting because it has no application to this protocol.

  • Set the Part Name Match to Yes or No. If the option is set to Yes, then a mismatched part name in the data will cause VTube-LASER to warn of a part name mismatch while receiving data.

  • If the network location server has a fixed IP address, then the location can be pinged to prove that the network path is currently available before VTube attempts to save files in the network path.

  • Skip the number value for the bender. This only has application for other protocols.

  • Skip the CW Rotation Positive column. The Winton rotation direction is handled automatically according to the Winton standard.

Vtube-laser-2.2 winton wmc protocol benderlinksetup.png

How to Use the VTube-LASER Winton RD Communications to CORRECT the Bender

In this example, the measured part is out of profile tolerance in the first straight.

The way to solve this issue is to send correction data to the Winton bender.

Vtube-laser-2.2 winton wmc protocol tubeouttolerance.png

STEP 1: Enter and Prepare The Bender Setup Menu

Switch to the Bender Setup menu (see the navigation pane on the right), then follow these steps.

  • Set the bender number on the top.

  • Assuming that this is the first time in the Bender Setup window, the Bender values in the blue columns will be all zeros, and the part name will be empty or incorrect. Use the Setup this Window menu on the right to copy MASTER data into this menu. Also, you may need to copy MASTER part setup values into the top of the menu. If your bender requires it, you can also calculate a cut length.

Vtube-laser-2.2 winton wmc protocol bendersetup setupwindow.png

Vtube-laser-2.2 winton wmc protocol bendersetup setupwindow copiedMaster.png

Vtube-laser 1.99 bendersetup navigationpane.png

STEP 2: RECALL the Data from the Bender

This procedure assumes that the LRA bender data may have changed at the bender. If an operator adjusted this data before bending the part that you just measured, then VTube needs to know about that adjusted values before making corrections to them.

  • On the right side, change to the BIDIRECTIONAL COMMUNICATIONS menu.

  • Press RECALL

  • Select and open the file that the Winton bender is using to control the bender.

Vtube-laser-2.2 winton wmc protocol bendersetup recall.png

This step will UPDATE THE BLUE COLUMNS in the grid.

STEP 3: AUTO SEND the Data Corrections to the Bender

Now send the ORANGE COLUMNS to the bender. These are the corrected LRA bender data columns.

  • Make any manual changes to the adjustment data. For example, sometimes operators don't want the load position to change, so they will zero out the first or the last L ADJUSTMENT values to ZERO.

  • Press AUTO SEND

  • Select and overwrite the file that the Winton bender is using to control the bender.

Vtube-laser-2.2 winton wmc protocol bendersetup send.png

This step will SEND THE ORANGE COLUMNS data to the bender.

STEP 4: Load the File At the Bender And Bend The Tube

Load the adjusted file into the Winton bender control and bend the adjusted tube.

Winton bender setup.png.png

Measure new tube with VTube-LASER again to check to see if the part shape now qualifies.