Tutorial: VTube-LASER Process for Compensating for Secondary Process Deformation
VTube-LASER allows you to compensate for post-process deformation by creating a second set of MASTER data. Follow the steps below to work through this process.
Suggested Process Steps
1 - In ASSEMBLY, copy the first tube to a second tube. Make the new second tube the current part.
2 - Using the second assembly tube, perform a corrections loop with the bender until the pre-post-process part is within shape tolerance.
3 - Perform the secondary operation that deforms the part.
4 - Measure the deformed part to calculate new correction data. With this operation, we assume that the part is pulled out of tolerance.
5 - Enter the command dialog and press OK.
6 - Save the VTube project.
7 - Now you can test the process by measuring the second assembly tube with the compensated MASTER to qualify part shapes BEFORE the secondary operation deformation.
8 - Use the first assembly tube with the original MASTER to qualify the part shapes AFTER the secondary operation deformation.
Repeat the Process if Secondary Operations Change the Shape
The steps assume that the secondary operation process consistently deforms the part. If the post-process changes, repeat the steps. If the secondary operation changes so that the deformation changes, then this process must be repeated.
The Command is Also in the Data Handling Menu
The command can be found in the popup menus for both XYZ and LRA in the MASTER data and in the DATA HANDLING menu.