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Bender Setup Guide


1- The Bender Channel lets a user know which number bender they are using in their Bender Setup list. Users can connect up to 100 benders at a time. This reflects the bender number inside the VTube-LASER list but not the bender number inside the bender control. If this is bender #1 inside the bender control, users can change that inside the VTube-LASER settings while keeping the bender as #3 in the bender channel list. 

2- This shows the network path being used to communicate between the bender control and the VTube-LASER computer. Make sure this is correct when trying to communicate. 

3- This shows which protocol is being used to communicate between the bender control and VTube-LASER. Make sure to choose the correct protocol for the bender you are connecting with. 

4- This allows a user to copy the part setup values into Bender Setup to save time from entering the information twice. 

5- RECALL is an important step when correcting to a bender. ALWAYS recall before making a correction. This will fill in/update the BLUE columns with the values the bender actually bent the part with.

6- Auto SEND adds the blue and white columns (the adjustments) together to create the orange columns. These are the new correction values that VTube recommends the bender to bend the next tube with.

1- If NEW tube data needs to be sent to the bender, COPY Master LRA to Setup LRA

2- AUTO Send the MASTER XYZ + BLUE Columns to the Bender



1- The Correction Percentage tab allows users to decide how much of a correction they want to make. If they want to send only a portion of the adjustments to the bender, they can decide that here. The default settings are to send 100% of the corrections each time, but this can be changed to 20%, 50%, or a custom set of values, as shown below. 


1- This allows a user to preset the Minimum Clamp Length on the bender. The default setting is '0', but this can be changed per project, or a new default can be made. 


1- This allows a user to recalculate the springback based on the compensated bender data. 

2- This shows a user what is being calculated to determine the springback

3- Anytime an adjustment value is at 3 degrees or above, VTube will automatically compensate for springback. 


1- Split Between Tags divides the total length change in half and splits it between the A and B ends.

2- The A and B-End Adjustments add the first and last length adjustment together and split it between the A and B ends. 


1- The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used for some benders to communicate. CMP and Morris Solutions use FTP.  


1- This tab would show a user if there were any errors returned during a recall/send between the VTube-LASER computer and the bender control. 

Configure Benderlink Protocols

1- This allows users to change the Benderlink network settings. 

Name: Name the bender whatever makes sense so users can remember which bender they are working with.

Protocol: This dictates which protocol/files are being sent between the VTube-LASER computer and the bender control. It is VERY important that the correct protocol is selected for your bender.

Network Path or FTP Hostname: This is the path that will allow the VTube-LASER computer and the bender control to communicate. This does not need to be unique for each bender, but some users prefer a different path for each bender. C:\Users\Public\Documents\VTube\ is just an example

NetPath Type: Standard Path or FTP Hostname will be selected here. Most types, Standard Path is recommended. 

COM Port: When working with Benderlink (an external box) a COM port will need to be opened and the number will need to be entered here.

Timeout Seconds: This determines how long VTube-LASER will look in the Network path for a file from the bender. Default is 10 seconds, but this can be increased or decreased. 

SV No Wait: The SVNET recall command was saved to the bender path configured. However, VTube will not wait for a response from the bender. This feature is designed to allow you to recall data from a bender using a USB flash drive with no timeout. When a user presses OK, they can remove the flash drive and take it to the bender to recall data from the bender.

Part Name Match: The part name at the bender control and the VTube-LASER project must match. This eliminates the possibility of overwriting the incorrect part with a different parts data.

Ping IP Address: This is helpful for pinging the bender control computers IP address to speed up the communications process. It is not necessary but can be helpful if communication is taking too long.

Number at Bender: This is the number of the bender inside the bender control. If there is a bender in row 3 of this Benderlink Network list, it still may be bender #1 in the bender. This should be changed to match whatever the bender number is inside the bender control.

CW Rotations Positive at Import: This allows users to change the rotation direction when importing from a bender based on the bender they are communicating with. Clockwise (CW) positive is not common in North American benders.

CW Rotation Positive at Export: This allows users to change the rotation direction when exporting to a bender based on the bender they are communicating with. Clockwise (CW) positive is not common in North American benders.

Ignore Incoming Linear Unit: When communicating with a bender, the unit is important. If this is set to NO then the bender and VTube-LASER should be using the same linear unit. If it is set to YES, then VTube will ignore this.

Login Username: This is a notes section that will allow users to enter the Login Username of the bender so they do not forget it going forward.

Login Password: This is a notes section that will allow users to enter the Login Password of the bender so they do not forget it going forward.
