VTube Update History 4.4 - January 2025
Version 4.4 Build 1752 - January 23, 2025
1 - Changes were made to the TDS library database to enhance efficiency and speed.
2 - VTube has a new TDS library Import/Export menu that allows exporting and importing the TDS library to self-contained TDS library files.
This will allow users to view older TDS library datasets easily.
Version 4.4 Build 1749 - January 23, 2025
1 - The backup folder for TDS backup files has been changed to "VTube_TDS_AutoBackup" in the main VTP project file folders.
When VTube performs a TDS auto backup and auto trim, it saves the backup to a subfolder of the current saved VTP project file. For example, if the project file is
"C:\Users\Public\Documents\VTube\12345.vtp", then a sample backup file would be something like this (depending on the date and time):
Version 4.4 Build 1748 - January 22, 2025
1 - VTube-LASER has a much improved Tube Data Storage algorithm for much more efficient memory usage.
- VTube-LASER Tube Data Storage (TDS) stores historical data for all tube alignments. Every time a user aligns a measured tube, VTube-LASER stores the results of that event in TDS memory.
- This data was stored in memory until it was saved to a single VTube project file. Over time, TDS can consume so much memory that it could create an out-of-memory error. In this new version, the TDS system is redesigned to store its data in an on-disk database that does not have the old memory constraint.
- With the legacy system, it was possible to store 100 to 200 alignment events. With the new system, VTube-LASER can easily store 1000 events or more
2 - Tube Data Storage data is now stored in a separate parallel file rather than in the original VTP file.
- For example, if the main project file is "12345.vtp", the Tube Data Storage file is stored as "12345.vtp.tubedatastorage".
- The TDS file is a ZIP file that compresses the TDS data to about half its regular disk size.
- The ZIP file will always contain a list of VTP files containing the TDS alignment event data.
3 - VTube-LASER still backs up and trims the Tube Data Storage for any project based on an alignment event threshold count setting in the global configuration file.
- To control memory consumed by the historical data in the Tube Data Storage menu, VTube can automatically cull data out of the list and save it to a backup file.
- VTube can automatically back up and trim the TDS database based on a threshold of TDS rows or events.
- When the number of rows of TDS data reaches the configured threshold, VTube-LASER performs the backup process.
- For example, the backup file for VT-5D.vtp will be named with a date/time added like this: "VT-5D_backup_autotrim_20250123_08_43_44.tubedatastorage".
- These files are ZIP files that can be accessed with any ZIP program.
- The backup folder for TDS backup files has been changed to "VTube_TDS_AutoBackup" in the main VTP project file folder.
See also: How to configure TDS to require less memory.
See also: About TDS backup and autotrim
Version 4.4 Build 1739 - January 13, 2025
1 - The SOCO TXT file import engine will automatically adjust lengths in the tube less than or equal to zero.
The new lengths will be set to 1 micron (0.00004 inches).
2 - The SOCO TXT file import engine will automatically add material to the end length if the cut length is too short for the tube.
For parts with inch linear units, it will add 2 inches to the end length. For metric linear unit parts, it will add 100 millimeters to the end length.
Version 4.4 Build 1736 January 13, 2025
1 - The "Enforce ACS at tube measure" option can now be switched On or Off in Measure Setup.
If you click on More Info..., this dialog will appear:
2 - The Enforce value can be copied in the Measure Option Batch copy in System Options.
Version 4.4 Build 1735 - January 10, 2025
1 - VTube will now automatically switch to the ACS (Arm Coordinate System) when performing measures that create measured tube data or rely on measured tube data.
The ACS is the coordinate system of the measuring device. When the switch to the arm's coordinate system occurs, VTube notifies the user of the change in a guide box.
2 - VTube now calculates up to 10 measured-aligned coordinate systems in the DRO dropdown box below the ACS option.
Measured-aligned coordinate systems are created every time a user performs a new alignment. Each new measured-aligned coordinate system is tagged with a unique date/time. The newest measured-aligned coordinate system is always inserted at the top below the "ACS" choice.
3 - When VTube is in a measured-aligned coordinate system, the DRO now shows a green border around the top panels.
This helps users know that they are measuring non-tube objects in a measured-aligned coordinate system.
Version 4.4 Build 1730 - January 8, 2025
1 - This version includes the official release of the new VTube Project Viewer.
The Viewer license is free. It allows anyone to load and view a VTube project file created by VTube-STEP.
Distribute this software to colleagues who only need to view the data you entered and saved in VTube-STEP. You can also invite your customers to install the Viewer license so they can view and build reports from the VTube-STEP project files you created.
See the download link at https://www.advancedtubulartech.com/downloads-vtube-viewer
2 - The Nikon NMAPI Server for the Metronor M-Scan with NIKON scanner is updated.
See VTube-LASER and Metronor M-Scan for more information about this measuring device.
Version 4.4 Build 1725 - January 6, 2025
1 - The Inspection Data menu adds a new End Angle Default Tolerance value.
This allows users to set a project's default end angle tolerance during part setup and before any tube alignment.
2 - Bend Profile grids now update the user interface when users manually change the grid values.
3 - The VTube version has been increased from 4.3 to 4.4 for 2025.
New passwords have been implemented. Contact support@advancedtubular.com for an updated password before installation.