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VTube Important Features Timeline

This page shows the historical timeline of important improvements in VTube-LASER and VTube-STEP.

We recommend that you review this page to determine if an update and/or SMA renewal is of high value to you.

August 31, 2024 - VTube-STEP - Now Import ROUND SLOTS from Imported Tube Models

Version 4.3 build 1653
VTube-STEP can now import and set up nominal ROUND SLOTS from models.

August 16, 2024 - VTube-LASER - New GD&T Straightness Calculator

Version 4.3 build 1642
The new GD&T Straightness Calculator has been added to VTube-LASER to calculate the bow deflection straightness in straight tubes.

August 15, 2024 - VTube-LASER - Now Measure and Qualify ROUND SLOTS

Version 4.3 build 1639
VTube-LASER can measure Round Slots using probes, display slots, report on slots, and qualify 36 different metrics of slots.

August 15, 2024 - VTube-STEP - New Trim/Extend for SINGLE STRAIGHT

Version 4.3 build 1639
Using A-End and B-End Solid Model Offset values, VTube-STEP can now trim/extend endpoint locations on both ends of a one-straight tube.

August 15, 2024 - VTube-STEP - New Trim/Extend Point Locations on Both Ends During a Parametric AUTOBUILD

Version 4.3 build 1639
VTube-STEP can now import and set up nominal ROUND SLOTS from models.

July 18, 2024 - VTube-STEP and LASER - New Project Auto-Recovery

Version 4.3 build 1628
We added a new project auto-recovery for crash protection to protect from loss of work in VTube-STEP and VTube-LASER.

June 28, 2024 - VTube-LASER - New REORDER Part Setup Menu

Version 4.3 build 1613
A new edit button is added to the upper right corner of the LASER Part Setup menu to enter the grid menu control window.

June 12, 2024 - VTube-LASER - New Measure PLANE from PROBE

Version 4.3 build 1605
VTube-LASER now allows you to measure a plane with a ball probe.

June 7, 2024 - VTube-LASER - New Reorganize MEASURE PROCESS Buttons For Your Process

Version 4.3 build 1591
VTube-LASER now allows users to reorganize the MEASURE PROCESS menu buttons, making them a different order and even invisible.

June 6, 2024 - VTube-STEP - Import CIRCLES from Tube Models for HOLE CLOCKING in Flanges

Version 4.3 build 1590
VTube-STEP can now import and set up nominal CIRCLES from models and clock the angles relative to adjacent bend planes.

June 4, 2024 - VTube-LASER - Now Measure CIRCLES from PROBES

Version 4.3 build 1588
VTube-LASER can now measure circles with a ball probe.